Photos of rainforest in East Gippsland

Cobb Hill Rainforest Site Of National Significance

Mixed Cool Temperate Rainforest on upper Delegate river

Goonmirk Rocks- Rainforest Site Of National Significance

The extremely rare Mountain Plum Pine

Sassafras branches contort beautifully just 10 metres from a logging coupe. This tree and others nearby are now threatened by logging 'edge effects' which alter the rainforest microclimate (humidity, temperature), increase wind damage to exposed vegetation, introduce pest plants and animals and increase silt run-off into streams.

This stand of rare Errinundra Shining Gum (Average height 46-51m-SFRI) is scheduled to be logged, with most of the trees being chipped for pulp and paper products. This coupe threatens several nationally significant stands of rainforest.

East Errinundra River- Rainforest Site Of National Significance

Waterfall on Dingo Creek

Martin's Creek- Warm Temperate Rainforest

Bemm River- Rainforest Site Of National Significance

An Old Growth giant near a mature stand of warm temperate rainforest, close to the majestic Bemm River.