Little Goolengook (Site 72)
National Rainforest Site of Significance

General Description

The Little Goolengook RSOS contains a high concentration of rainforest stands including separate Cool temperate and warm temperate rainforest stands with overlaps of these two types. The rainforest in this area grows in combination with a substantial area of old growth forest.

Large part of the Little Goolengook RSOS protected by the Little Goolengook Flora and Fauna reserve.

Since 1995, there has been a great deal of conflict and numerous forest protests in the Goolengook area over logging of high conservation valued forest including logging at the Little Goolengook RSOS. This conflict has resulted in the State Government referring the Goolengook Block to a VEAC study. See VEAC web site.

Proposed Code Review subcatchment buffer area

This DSE draft internal working map was provided to VRN to show the approximate sub-catchment buffer area (in purple) that will become unavailable to logging once adopted into the new revised 2006 Code.

Note: only core areas N1 (as determined by DSE ) are shown on this map and do not necessarily represent the total area covered by the Little Goolengook RSOS.


Logging History

In 1997 and 2002, most of the proposed purple subcatchment buffer area show above was clearfell logged. This was logged despite many protests and forest blockades by the community to protect an area that has a clear high conservation value now recognised in both the 1996 and 2006 Code of Forest Practices.

See Little Goolengook Logging history map